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Have YOU Tried Essiac Tea?

Dr. Lana Liable

Updated: Aug 12, 2024

And, you may inquire, "What is essiac tea?"

Thank you so much, for asking as it is an amazing ojibway remedy which was shared with Rene Caisse many years ago. Rene was a nurse in Ontario, Canada who learned about the wonderful properties of the herbs in the "recipe" as she shared the tea with thousands of folks.

Later, on Rene, partnered with Dr. Brusche to conduct further research into the essiac tea. Over time the original formula consisting of four herbs was advanced to include four more herbs which aid in potentiating and supporting the properties of the original herbs for greater efficacy.

The essiac tea blend is effective for:

  1. Prevention

  2. Anti-parasitic

  3. Detoxification

  4. Immune system support

  5. Blood purification

  6. Anti-inflammatory

  7. Chronic disease, including, cancer

  8. and more can be found here:

Your Impressions

As an integrative practitioner, I encourage my clients to drink essiac tea and other well noted teas through-out their therapy. The healing properties of this herbal tea are very beneficial for a number of ailments.

As with all therapies, compliance and consistency are key to effectuate the beneficial results desired.

Each herb provides their own, unique properties to support you towards wellness and feeling better.

How Have You Tested

Unfortunately, not all products are created equal, and do not use high quality, organic, pesticide free ingredients. An inferior product filled with toxic ingredients and fillers can not provide the amazing benefits that are possible with a pure product.

Genuine Essiac tea is GENUINE and folks who are taking it faithfully for the therapeutic benefits can tell the difference (

Here Are 30 Different Ways That Essiac Tea Can Help the Body (

  1. Prevents the buildup of fatty deposits in the artery walls, heart, kidney and liver.

  2. Regulates cholesterol levels.

  3. Kills parasites in the digestive system.

  4. Counteracts the effects of aluminum, lead and mercury poisoning.

  5. Strengthens and improves the functioning of muscles, organs and tissues bodywide.

  6. Makes bones, joints, ligaments, lungs, and membranes stronger and more flexible - and therefore less vulnerable to stress and stress injuries.

  7. Nourishes the brain as well as the rest of the nervous system.

  8. Promotes the absorption of fluids into the body tissues that need it.

  9. Removes toxic accumulations in the fat, lymph, bone marrow, bladder, and alimentary canals.

  10. Absorbs toxins in the bowel as well as eliminates them. Read more

  11. Clears out the respiratory channels by dissolving and expelling mucus.

  12. Relieves the liver of its burden of some detoxification by converting fatty toxins into water-soluble substances that can then be more easily eliminated through the kidneys.

  13. Assists the liver to produce lecithin which forms part of the myelin sheath, a white fatty material that encloses nerve fibers, helping protect them.

  14. Reduces heavy metal deposits in tissues (especially those surrounding the joints) to reduce inflammation and stiffness.

  15. Improves the functions of the pancreas and spleen by increasing the effectiveness of insulin. This keeps blood sugar in better check.

  16. Purifies the blood by helping to remove excess fats and cholesterol.

  17. Increases red cell production and prevents them from rupturing.

  18. Increases the body's ability to utilize oxygen.

  19. Maintains the balance between potassium and sodium within the body so that the fluid inside and outside each cell is regulated.

  20. Converts calcium and potassium oxalates into a harmless form by making them solvent in the urine. This regulates the amount of oxalic acid delivered to the kidneys, thus reducing the risk of stone formation in the gall bladder, kidneys and urinary tract.

  21. Protects against toxins entering into the brain.

  22. Protects the body against the damage from radiation and X-rays. See this study.

  23. Relieves pain and inflammation as well as increases energy.

  24. Accelerates wound healing by helping regenerate damaged areas.

  25. Increases the production of antibodies such as lymphocytes and T-cells in the thymus gland, which form the basis of our immune system. 5

  26. Protects the cells against the damaging effects of free radicals including oxidative stress. 6

  27. Improves gut health (read more)

  28. Boosts mood and leads to an improved sense of well being.

  29. Increases the production of nitric oxide, which helps cleanse the arteries.

  30. Protects human DNA from ionizing radiation and EMFs.

Ready to Feel Better?

Many cultures understand the value of drinking herbal teas for prevention, treatment, longevity and overall wellness. God has provided us with a rich, natural pharmacopeia within nature to keep us healthy, vibrant and living our best life that remains dis-ease free.

"Essiac has been used specifically by those with:

1. Weakend Immune System 2. Chronic bronchitis and other lung problems 3. Chronic Pain

4. Diabetes 1 2 5. Arthritis 6. Tumors, lesions and growths (including fibroids) 3 4 7. Ulcers 8. Liver Problems 9. Colon Trouble 10. Chronic Fatigue 11. Fibromyalgia 12. Sinus Trouble 13. Gout

14. Pneumonia and chest colds 15. High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol 16. IBS (including diarrhea and constipation) 17. Kidney Disease 18. AIDS 19. Pain related to inflammation 20. Fluid retention (edema) 21. Diarrhea 22. Heartburn 23. Hepatitis C 24. Bladder Problems 25. Allergies

26. Normalization of hormones 27. Removal of biofilm 28. Parasite cleansing ... and many other conditions.

Please take a moment to listen what others are saying:

And, if you would like to begin to restore your own health, please go to:  and use discount code LIABLE10 to support your wellness towards its original vibrancy and wholeness.

Look forward to hearing your story over the next few months.

Many blessings,

Dr. Lana

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